January 19, 2025
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Mark (at) RichEssence.com
Nexus Magazine has been in circulation since 1987. It's headquartered in Australia, & has a worldwide audience with offices in the United Kingdom, USA, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Greece, Japan, Russia, Croatia, Romania, & Poland.
They cover suppressed news on topics such as archaeological discoveries, international banking, free-energy cover-ups, government involvement in the global drug trade, mind-control technology, & "the unexplained." They gain their information from researchers, doctors, newsletters, & books.
Although they, & other professional media have covered non-lethal weapons & high-tech surveillance technology in the past, to my knowledge, they're the first international, professional print magazine to mention this crisis in its current comprehensive form. I'm very thankful to the people at Nexus for mentioning this in their book review section.